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ARA Robotics implements its ODAS® solution at ArcelorMittal’s Mont-Wright mining complex, the largest open-pit iron mine in Canada. In less than 72 hours, ArcelorMittal receives a comprehensive report on the Mont-Wright mine with high-precision 2D and 3D models, enabling optimized management of its operations.
ARA Robotics deploys ODAS® at the Mont-Wright Mine Complex

This partnership will combine ARA Robotics’ cold-weather-tested drones with Canadian UAVs' specialized radar and management systems, enhancing reliability and service reach in remote mining and military applications.
Canadian UAVs and ARA Robotics Sign MOU to Advance BVLOS Operations in Northern Mining and Military Applications

As part of its Horizon project, with a budget of 8.7 million dollars, the Centre of Excellence for Drones (CED) has acquired several ARA-405 drones. This initiative will provide companies with the opportunity to test payloads at the CED's testing complex, without the need to invest in their own drone.
New ARA-405 Drones for the CED

Le gouvernement québécois a dévoilé un plan d'investissement de 415 millions de dollars destiné à stimuler l'industrie aérospatiale dans les régions de Montréal, Mirabel et Longueuil au cours des prochaines années. Sur ce montant, 2,1 millions de dollars seront spécifiquement consacrés au financement du programme RECON RPAS d'ARA Robotique.
Lancement de la 4e Zone d'innovation Québec

The Quebec government announced the creation of Espace Aéro, a new zone in Montreal, Longueuil, and Mirabel to promote the aerospace sector in Quebec. Thanks to this initiative, ARA Robotics will receive funding of $2.1 million for its RECON RPAS program.
Boeing invests $240M to create Montreal-area aerospace innovation zone

François Legault a annoncé la création d'Espace Aéro, une nouvelle zone d'innovation à Montréal, Longueuil et Mirabel pour promouvoir le secteur aérospatial au Québec. Grâce à cette initiative, ARA Robotique bénéficiera d'un financement de 2,1 millions de dollars pour son programme RECON RPAS.
Zone d'innovation
en aérospatiale: investissements de 415M$

Last week, we had the privilege of welcoming an expert from Drone Rescue Systems GmbH for an exclusive training session at our offices in Montreal. The purpose of this session was to show us how to integrate and optimally use their parachutes with our drones.
The ARA-405 drones are now equipped with a new parachute system

Our team at ARA Robotics worked hard to implement an innovative solution that could transform the way we respond to emergencies. Imagine drones ready to be deployed instantly during a disaster, able to be remotely piloted from a Command and Control Center on the other side of the country. This is exactly the scenario we tested in collaboration with Transport Canada, the Halifax Port Authority and the PIER Innovation Centre.
Enhancing Disaster Response With 4G/LTE Remotely Operated Drones

ARA Robotique a travaillé de concert avec Ecogène-21 afin de développer une solution innovante de livraison pour médicaments, échantillons biologiques (salive, sang, etc.) et repas adaptés ans le but de faciliter la réalisation d’études cliniques auprès de patients vivants en régions éloignées ou qui ont des problèmes de mobilité.
Ecogene-21 teste la livraison de médicaments et d’échantillons par drones à Alma

ARA Robotique est fière d’avoir pu supporter le projet Ecogène-21 avec son équipe et en mettant ses drones à profit. Le projet Ecogène-21 vise à développer une solution innovante de livraison pour médicaments, échantillons biologiques (salive, sang, etc.) et repas adaptés afin de faciliter la réalisation d’études cliniques dans des régions éloignées.
Des drones pour favoriser l’accès à la recherche clinique

The solution combines a UTM (Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management) tracking beacon designed to be mounted and to be compatible with a wide variety of RPAS (Remotely piloted aircraft system) and the OneSky UTM software solution that allows operators to plan, simulate and operate the drones.
ARA and OneSky Develop a Tactical Flight Coordination System

ARA is proud to announce that our team successfully developed an autonomous RPAS (RPAS is synonymous with a drone) with a tactical 3D reconnaissance system capable of operating in GPS-denied environments. The demonstration project was commissioned by Transport Canada.
Autonomous Mapping Drone to the Canadian Government for Reconnaissance Missions

“With the augmented reality, you can actually take a tour of the port through a 3D rendering of the port,” explained Daniel Olivier from the Port Authority of Montreal. Montreal’s port is steadily growing in size and importance, so it recently committed a Montreal start up to render a digital twin and help market the port internationally.
Robotics Company Creates 3D Model of Montreal Port